- March 6, 2025
Name: Paul Fern
Age: N/A
Family: N/A
Bio: N/A
Why are you running for office?
I am running for sheriff for multiple reasons, but I guess the biggest would be for change. I have worked at this agency under three administrations, and from experience I just believe this agency needs to go in a different direction. I feel they have taken a step back and are not the once great agency we used to be. From questionable promotions to low morale, I feel we need a change.
What are three priorities you hope to accomplish, if elected?
Reestablish the south county office that was closed last year. What this means is citizens of south county are not getting the same service as they are in north county, and that is not fair. They pay taxes for these services and are not getting them anymore;
I believe the issue of body cameras is a must. They are costly; I understand that. However, I believe it’s cost effective in the long-run by saving the county/agency money in lawsuits; and
To bring back community policing. This agency has gotten away from community policing, and in my opinion we need to regain the trust of the community. Community policing directly puts deputies in touch with its citizens on a personal level. It helps gain the trust of its citizens and builds relationships. This current administration was quoted as saying community policing was antiquated, and that couldn’t be the farthest from the truth. It’s needed; it’s essential.
If elected, what would be the most significant changes you would want to implement in the operations of the Sheriff’s Office?
I believe all of the things I have mentioned above are very significant. We will also set up a community review board made up of community leaders to give input on current events and have them come to our training sessions and speak to our deputies about different cultures and how they respond to certain situations. Also have them attend our scenario based training to see how fast a deputy has to make a decision. I think involving the community is very important.
Every sheriff wants more money in his/her budget. On a scale of 10, with 10 being perfect, where would you rate the annual funding allocated to the Sheriff’s Office?
I do believe the Sheriff’s Office has a fantastic working relationship with the County Commission, and I will strive to continue that relationship. I would give this a 10.
Discussions arise now and then about needing another jail in Sarasota County. What is your position on that?
Eventually, we have to do something within the next 15 years federal projections have this area growing by 250,000 people. The current jail is not equipped to handle that influx of people. It’s a topic that has to be addressed.
Would you support consolidating the city of Sarasota Police Department with the Sheriff’s Office? Wouldn’t that save taxpayers money by eliminating overlapping positions?
This topic has been talked about before. I support the city police department, and if the need to talk about that in the future comes up, we will address it, but no, I would not pursue it. I would continue to build on our working relationship and get it back to where it once was to get our working relationships with all the city agencies in this county as well as our neighboring agencies.