- March 14, 2025
The developer of Longboat Key’s Residences at the St. Regis Resort Longboat Key delivered a check Tuesday for more than $500,000 to satisfy 2021 financial responsibilities on 244 parcels listed last week by the Sarasota County Tax Collector as delinquent.
Zack Justice, a project coordinator for Unicorp National Developments Inc., said in an email to the Longboat Observer that the accounts were paid in full. The tax collector's office confirmed receipt, adding the properties should show the updated status on its webpage of accounts heading to tax-certificate auction.
“We delivered a check to Sarasota County this morning to come current on all delinquent taxes,’’ he wrote.
The delinquent properties, published last week, were all former Colony Beach & Tennis Resort parcels, all were listed at 1620 Gulf of Mexico Drive and all listed Unicorp Acquisitions II LLC as the owner.
A majority of the levies ranged from around $1,300 to $3,300, though one parcel listed a tax responsibility of $50,215. According to the Sarasota County Property Appraiser’s Office, the 2021 taxable value, as determined on Jan. 1, for the 244 parcels was $36.3 million. The total amount of taxes owed on the parcels, when added together, totaled $551,827.32.
When contacted last week, Justice said the company had recently learned about the tax-delinquency issue and had “every intention of paying all taxes owed.’’
Property records with the Sarasota County Property Appraiser’s Office show the 244 former Colony properties have been swept away for the 2022 tax year, which began Jan. 1. The land is now broken into five parcels by future residential or resort uses, each under the ownership of SR LBK LLC, a Florida limited liability corporation that lists Unicorp Acquisitions LLC as its manager.
Together, those five parcels' taxable value was set at about $5.2 million according to the Tax Appraiser records, before construction on the land began in earnest. Builders of the St. Regis project this month received permits for vertical construction, advancing from previous foundation work. Tall gantry cranes are now at work on the property.
Brian Loughrey, the chief deputy tax appraiser with Sarasota County, said the current valuations of the parcels that make up the St. Regis property had no bearing on the past year's valuations. In October, the 2021 tax roll for that year was certified for collection, ending his office's involvement for the year, he said.
Rana Moye, a deputy tax collector with Sarasota, said that because the former Colony condominium association was disbanded after the 2021 tax year started, the properties remained officially on that year's tax roll. She said her office was obligated by state statue to list the properties as delinquent for non-payment.
She confirmed receipt of the taxes, which were due by the end of business on Tuesday.