- November 24, 2024
+ Roundabout story headline put them in a negative light
Dear Editor:
I have to tell you the headline in the June 18 edition on page 3, “Roundabouts increase time,” was troubling to me. I understand it is only my opinion, but I believe the proposed roundabouts will not only help with congestion in the downtown area but will also serve to enhance the feeling of downtown Sarasota as a small, unique city.
My point is that for the bulk of readers who will not digest the rest of the article, it appears that roundabouts, in themselves, will increase time and are therefore a negative. Once you read the rest of the article, you find out that the time increase is “the result of a lower speed limit on U.S. 41.” And in one direction it is only 10 seconds. In a city where much of the populace seems to dwell on the negative about almost everything, this headline seems deliberately slanted against roundabouts. I understand your publication needs to get people’s attention but I think a positive headline would have accomplished the same thing.
Wayne Vert