- January 4, 2025
+ What about the possibility there are too many officers?
Dear Editor:
Would it not be a good idea to question the underlying assumptions of the article “How does Longboat compare?” (Oct. 8, 2009). Rather than the negative implication that there are fewer Longboat officers per capita compared to Sanibel, perhaps both islands have way too many officers to begin with.
These are sleepy, safe communities. Sure, an argument can be made that the safety is due to the number of officers, but more likely the safety is due to the sleepy nature of the communities. (And don’t get me started on how the “no-growth” factions have won and have caused slow, painful senescence of these communities.)
We do not suffer from too few government services, obligations, regulations, taxes or employees.
Mitch Levin
Longboat Key
+ The online Observer keeps keeps readers up-to-date
Dear Editor:
Your online Observer (www.YourObserver.com) is great; I, unfortunately, cannot make the trip to Longboat on a regular basis, but I like to be in touch. We do get the print version. This is more current.
Sam Imler
+ Longboat Key Club’s project will do the island proud
Dear Editor:
I have been reading the columns in your paper about the Longboat Key Club’s plans of the future for many months now. There have been so many items listed, and, rightfully so; we should clear the way for the Key Club to go ahead with its plans.
I do not want to reiterate what you all have read, but to bring up something different. The word is “pride.”
Everyone should want to be proud about a variety of things, one of the most important being the pride of ownership of their residence on Longboat Key.
I would hate to think of the Key Club not wanting to be on the island anymore or selling off to less desirables who might run it down and milk the situation as long as possible.
We must support the Key Club and graciously accept the $400 million gift that it wants to bestow upon our island. The kind of club it is striving for will be of the caliber of the new Harbourside Tennis Gardens. It is world-class. To those of you who have seen it, I’m sure you will be showing it off to all of your out-of-town guests as I already have. This small part of its plan is just a small part of what is to come. I guarantee, when the dust settles, you all will be proud.
Bruce and Toby Lee
Longboat Key