- January 4, 2025
+ Kiwanis increases its yearly scholarship amount
Dear Editor:
Thanks for the great coverage in the Aug. 27 Longboat Observer. Please note that this year we actually raised the award amount given to the twelve recipients to $1,500 each. The increase results from the community support of the car raffle that is an adjunct to the St. Jude Gourmet Luncheon.
By the way, the luncheon will be held Nov. 14, on the Temple Beth Israel grounds, thanks to their hospitality.
Vince DeLisi
Longboat Key
+ Key Club renovations would be a ‘blessing’
Dear Editor:
Our family owns a condo inside the gates and directly adjacent to the Longboat Key Club and Resort. We enthusiastically endorse and are in favor of the proposed expansion by the Key Club on the Islandside property. It would again make the resort world-class, increase tax revenues for Longboat Key and make the resort a destination for larger conferences and business outings. Moreover, it would enhance the property values of Longboat. Many of these business conferences and outings would be in the off season, providing a positive boast in revenues to restaurants and shops in the area. We agree it could increase traffic, but what a positive reason for the increase. Why would we want to deny others an opportunity for “another day in paradise?”
We should congratulate and thank the club on taking the risk in these uncertain economic times to undertake such a massive project. Just take a look at the vacant land on the bayside in downtown. I am sure the city wishes someone was willing to invest in those unfinished projects. This is a blessing, not a curse!
Jack Brown
Longboat Key
+ Longboat Key Club survey questions misleading
Dear Editor:
Regarding the recent survey about the Longboat Key Club, last time I looked, “renovation” meant to remodel or redo something that already exists! Asking people about “renovations” is misleading and totally biased. Building two new condominiums, a new hotel, townhouses and massive conference center, etc., is in no way a renovation. The people should have been asked how they felt about a “very large” expansion. Not a renovation. It is unethical to mislead people like that.
Barbara Chase
Longboat Key
+ Longboat Key Club’s expansion is needed
Dear Editor:
First of all, I live on the Key in the gated community of the Longboat Key Club behind Publix, and I am a club member, but, foremost, I am a full-time resident of Longboat Key.
Our community has a great need for the club’s self-financed expansion, because any experienced person knows that if you don’t move ahead, you fall behind. That’s where Longboat Key is. Any resident should look beyond the tip of his or her nose and realize that for our properties to again grow in value — and for Longboat Key to entice visitors to buy homes here (like I did after vacationing here for two, consecutive years in the mid-1980s) — we need a general upgrading. This proposed expansion will lead the Key to greater heights.
When people complain about increased traffic, they should look around the beach condos even in mid-season — less than a third of them indicate anyone is here then — simply by checking the lights at night in apartments along Gulf of Mexico Drive.
This expansion will also feed new restaurants (many are in trouble now, if not already closed) and new entertainment possibilities in neighboring Sarasota.
So, I suggest the opponents on Longboat Club Road look beyond their narrow-scoped view of what the Longboat Key Club will do for them and their homes and lifestyle when this expansion is completed.
Allan Bergman
Longboat Key
+ Help business owners instead of hurting them
Dear Editor:
Once again, the town of Longboat Key is trying hard to ensure that there are no business establishments on the island. Imagine charging Harry Christensen $7,000 to allow him to do what he does so well! How can outside tables at his restaurant be considered a liability when Harry is the most outstanding entrepreneur on Longboat Key? Let’s reward him instead of punishing him by forcing him to pay for ridiculous permits.
Jane Oaks
Longboat Key