The escorts wait for the portrait
Gage and Bobby Stanell Essman
Ashley Falkner and Ashleigh Gregoria
Scott and Cady Ferguson with Taylor, Tammy and Richard Karp
Gina, Ric and Ashleigh Gregoria with Gage Essman and Alec Morris
Delaney and Abbey Kapusta, Jon Sams, Annalise Kapusta, Tyler Bazenas, Ron and Miriam Williams, Rhonda, Mark and Robert Kapusta
John Kelly, Melanie Mercurio, Marisa Mercurio and Mitchell Elgin
Hunter Leeming, Christin Pacifico and Cole McHargue
Tyler Leppek, Caroline Rawe and Chris Scott
Celia Marchese and Robin Serbin
Betsy Marshall, Elizabeth Clemons and Karen Fraraccio
Anna Marshall and Annalise Kapusta
Jody, Carlin and Sam Maxwell
Carlin Maxwell
Karen, Christine and Katherine Merrill
Matthew and Christine Merrill
Christine Merrill, Eden Veldkamp and Caroline Rawe
Dr. Daniel, Christin and Colleen Pacifico
Dr. Daniel and Colleen Pacifico, Steve and Laurie Wilbur and Rhonda Kapusta
Dr. Daniel and Colleen Pacifico with Steve and Laurie Wilbur
Teresa, Caroline and Jim Rawe
Ashleigh Gregoria reads her letter from her parents
Debutantes read letters written by their parents
Robin Serbin and Chairwoman Jacki Boedecker
Jud and Jacki Boedecker with Robin and Mark Serbin
Bobby Stanell, Ashley Falkner and Blake Myer
Anise Veldkamp, Grier Ferguson, Chelsae Gregoria and Monica Kelly
Anise and Eden Veldkamp
Kyle Whelan, Anna Marshall and Stefan Wolfe
Richard Webb, Karen and Bill Merrill and Leighann Webb