Chairwoman Gerri Aaron, honoree Rose Chapman and Marie Monsky
Alan and Ruth Ades
George Allison, Marie Monsky and Lenora and Jack Jost
Dr. Arthur Ancowitz, Terry and Nancy Turner, Bernice Davis and Gilbert Ancowitz
Scott Anderson, Hillary Steele and Nate Benderson
Dale Block with Gary and Nina Gitomer
Barbara Brizdle and Larry Schoenberg with Laura and David Shukovsky
Sanford and Lauren Cohen with Dr. David and Lynn Yamada
Sylvia Cohodas
Jean DeLynn with David Weis and Rita Glosser
Lou and Sandra Hanan
Bette Hoffman, Carole Feiger and Ronni Bernard
Marty Hurwitz and Marsa Truscott
Christine Jennings and Jeremy Lisitza
Gail and Ben Klein
Fran Lambert, Debbie Haspell and Edie Chaifetz
Bernice and Ellis Lasberg and Gersh Cohn
Bernice Lasberg, Valerie Jones, Alice Berkowitz and Lois Stulberg
Elaine and David Lunkes
Tricia Mire, Jim Herrington, Pat Baer, Ann Bachman and Carol Camiener
Sandra Orlando and Bea Friedman
Flori Roberts and Rita Shewer
Harold Ronson and Molly Schechter
Scott Rosenhaus with Susan and Harvey Gleeksman
Skip and Gail Sack with Milford and Melby Lewis
Betty, Jeff and Sue Schoenbaum
Rich Segall with Jo and Stan Rutstein
Marilyn and Irv Shuman with Hannah and Dr. Norman Weinberg
Ann Virag and Nate Benderson
Hannah Weinberg, Sue Jacobson and Edie Chaifetz
Sally Yanowitz and Judy Cahn
Barbara Zdravecky, Betty Schoenbaum and Sally Yanowitz