- January 3, 2025
+ Is the government lying or incompetent?
Dear Editor:
At a recent congressional hearing, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and three of her officials were pointedly asked if they knew who was responsible for turning the Christmas bomber over to civilian legal authorities.
Each of them answered, “I don’t know.”
This raises two possible scenarios.
One: They do know who made that decision, and they are protecting that individual or individuals. In this scenario, they are lying and are guilty of perjury.
Two: With the massive organization and funding of Homeland Security, they have not been able to isolate that person or persons within our own legal system who is/are responsible for that decision. If this is the case, it would be one of the worst examples of bureaucratic incompetence any government agency has ever displayed.
In either scenario, these four individuals should be replaced immediately. Because an inexperienced individual would never be chosen to serve as warden of a high-risk prison, it is my fervent hope that the new head of Homeland Security is someone with a military background.
W.M. “Cash” Register
Longboat Key
+ Retirees chose Key because it was peaceful
Dear Editor:
I take quill in hand to express my thoughts about commercialism of the Key.
Thirty-two years ago, I moved here permanently because it was quiet, peaceful and mostly full-time retirees, who also chose the Key because of these reasons.
The mere fact that businesses struggle proves my point that most of the full-time retirees don’t want but just a few businesses here. For example: Publix, CVS Pharmacy and maybe a walk-in clinic, plus a newsy, local paper.
I. Bert Spiegel
Longboat Key
+ Key Club members promote self interest
Dear Editor:
I am writing to you concerning the division of the people of Longboat Key regarding the development of the Longboat Key Club. I do not think there is anything to be gained by dividing the people on the Key.
I live “behind the gates,” not that that really means anything. I am very unhappy about this constant referral to people who live behind the gates and Islandside Property Owners Coalition as being driven by our self interest. That is just not true! We are concerned about the legal rights of living in this PUD.
When we purchased our property, we were told there could be no building on the golf course, which was a built-out PUD. Many of the citizens who testified in front of the commission were also told that. Our opposition is not for “self interest.” It is that we made a purchase in good faith and we expect that deal to be kept. What are our laws for?
If there is any group that is pushing their self interests to me it is the members of the Longboat Key Club.
These members may not live behind the gates, but they certainly have their own self interests ... a new, great golf course, a fancy club, spa, etc. They spend $25,000 plus a year and they want their club to be nice. Isn’t that a self interest?
The members of the Key Club joined the club, and in so doing entered into a deal with the club. The golf courses were supposed to be kept in good playing condition. I don’t play golf, but I sure do hear a lot of complaining about the Key Club not keeping its part of the deal regarding the golf courses. The members seem angry when their deal with the Key Club isn’t being kept, why can’t they at least look upset when our deal isn’t being kept?
We entered into our home purchase and expected the deal we made to be legitimate and binding.
I will not even go into the self interest of all the Realtors and mortgage people who testified in front of the commission. They were there for their own interests.
When people enter into a contract or a deal, they expect the terms of the contract to be maintained. That is what our laws are all about.
We are all here because we love living on Longboat. Let us leave it at that.
Barbara Chase
Longboat Key
+ Longboat Key Club’s plan is crucial to Key
Dear Editor:
Although the revised Longboat Key Club redevelopment plan described at the commissioners’ meeting Jan. 29 was accurately characterized as a “work in progress,” it contains two significant changes that respond directly and creatively to the two major objections that we have heard repeatedly from opponents of the original plan.
For those who genuinely object to the height of the two condo towers on the north parcel, the proposal to reduce the height of those buildings from seven residential floors to four residential floors — removing 71 condo units — should bring them satisfaction.
For those who are genuinely worried that the hotel will not be built as part of the redevelopment project, the proposal to incorporate 31 of the removed condo tower units into the hotel complex — which means that more than 40% of the currently-proposed residential units won’t get built if the hotel isn’t built — should bring them satisfaction.
For those who object to any redevelopment plan — regardless of how beneficial that plan would be for Longboat Key — nothing will bring them satisfaction.
We strongly believe that approval of a reasonably sized, yet financially viable redevelopment plan for the Key Club is absolutely crucial to maintain the vitality, desirability and economic health of Longboat Key and to preserve and enhance the value of the Key’s residential properties. A five-star, world-class Longboat Key Club Resort can contribute enormously to the achievement of these important and desirable objectives by introducing upscale visitors — from across America and around the world — to the paradise we know and love.
Roz Goldberg and Alan Bandler
Longboat Key
+ Lee Rothenberg should be re-elected
Dear Editor:
Lee Rothenberg has been an excellent town commissioner and mayor. He is familiar with all of Longboat Key’s issues, their background and their origin.
Lee is a fine man. He is a real gentleman who believes in doing the right thing for Longboat Key whether it is popular or not. His experience and his longtime, detailed understanding of Longboat’s problems is too valuable to waste.
Lee Rothenberg deserves to be re-elected as Town Commissioner, District 1.
Betty Blair