- December 31, 2024
+ We question the commission’s dealing with the Key Club
Dear Editor:
Editor’s note: This letter was originally sent to Commissioners Bob Siekmann, Lynn Larson, Phil Younger and Mayor George Spoll
I am shocked and appalled after reading a report of the Town Commission’s proceedings in the Longboat Observer online. Whatever were/are you thinking?
Perhaps you were not truly hearing either the Key Club when it said that the proposal you approved was not financially feasible or hearing (what appears to me to be) a clear message voters sent in the last election. Perhaps you are not savvy enough to understand how the world works, or you think your position entitles you to become a business adviser/kibitzer. Perhaps you are not personally comfortable to vote for a proposal with a small well-organized and vocal minority of the community opposed. No matter.
What kind of a rinky-dink operation floats an unheard of proposal and brings it to a vote at first blush — over the objections of the business which would implement it? In my opinion, bringing a surprise proposal developed by a town employee to a vote within moments of its introduction calls into question whether the council has been acting in good faith when dealing with the Key Club over the last years. At the least, it is breathtaking incompetence.
My view is that your action seriously calls into question your ability to serve responsibly and, sadly, your political future.
Donn Osmon and Barbara Nelson
Longboat Key
+ What journalism should be
Dear Editor:
Excellent job. What journalism should be and all too often is not. Great coverage of a very sad story (the Longboat Key Club).
Terry Gans
Longboat Key
+ The Longboat Observer displayed spirit of journalism
Dear Editor:
I attended the Longboat Key commissioners’ meeting this past Monday. However, I left before the vote, believing the outcome would be in favor of the project, but not giving the club all it was asking. Alas, again I was reminded, “It ain’t over until the fat lady sings.” In this case, she was way off key.
Regretfully, I have witnessed, and been part of, situations where presentations of various projects and designs have been made to committees. I quickly became aware that some members of these committees all of a sudden become experts in matters where they have no training or expertise. I feel like I was at that type of a meeting yesterday. Did the proponent of the sidewalk on the west side of Gulf of Mexico Drive offer any clue as to how that could be accomplished? Maybe the club could eliminate the last five holes on Islandside to satisfy their request.
The main reason for this letter is not to express my frustrations. I am writing to thank you for your special edition reporting in a truly professional manner on what took place at the meeting. It must have taken a great effort by you and your staff to have put published this edition. I was quite surprised to find The Longboat Observer on my driveway this Tuesday morning, a day earlier then the usual delivery.
We hear much about the demise of newspapers throughout the country. It is such occurrence as today’s edition that makes me feel that The Longboat Observer is very much alive and will be here for the long run.
Les Fishman
+ Headline sparks a similarity
Dear Editor:
Your online headline, “Commission Approves Alternative Project,” calls to mind the well-known definition of a camel: a racehorse designed by a committee.
Jonathan Berg
Longboat Key
+ Town Commission’s solution seems fair for all involved
Dear Editor:
Editor’s note: This letter was originally sent to the Longboat Key Town Commission and The Longboat Observer.
Congratulations on your Solomon like compromise. Your solution seems reasonably fair to all sides. The club gets almost all of what it wanted and IPOC can apparently live with the still-large development.
Maybe this will negate any lawsuits as the club gets its hotel, meeting center, road location, parking garage, wellness center, new golf course as it requested at a cost of a few less condos. Hard to believe it can’t or won’t settle for this generous compromise.
Well done. Please finalize it and let Longboat Key move on.
Louis Bevilacqua
Longboat Key
+ Commissioners have violated the public’s trust
Dear Editor:
Editor’s note: This letter was originally sent to Commissioners Bob Siekmann, Lynn Larson, Phil Younger and Mayor George Spoll
There is a cliché, old but true, that a community never stands still. It either progresses or declines. As commissioners you hold a position of public trust. It is your duty to ensure the improvement and vitality of the community. In this time of economic downturn we realize this is a challenging task. Shops and restaurants on the key have closed. Others are having a difficult time surviving.
The Key Club’s plans for expansion and improvement are a gift to the community — a vital link to help us move forward. Your vote Monday, June 15 has left us dumbfounded. We could, and we’re sure legions of people have, use several adjectives to describe your inexplicable behavior. Suffice it to say you have violated the public trust. Shame!
Connie and Jim Hensal
Longboat Key
+ Officials in Washington should take note
Dear Editor:
As a resident of Longboat Key I commend the commission on making a rational decision that allows for orderly development of our lovely community, yet, a decision consistent with the values and lifestyle of our island. I wish our elected officials in Washington made such well thought decisions and compromises.
Do not allow developers to sway your sound decisions about our community’s wellbeing. When they are gone, and they will leave, we will still be here enjoying and supporting each other.
Well done.
Ron and Pat Pantello
Longboat Key
+ Support the development plan you approved
Dear Editor:
Editor’s note: This letter was originally sent to the Longboat Key Town Commission and The Longboat Observer.
Support the development plan you have approved and resist the cries of the commercial interests who want to change the plan to the more massive plan the club wants.
Donna Kaminski
Longboat Key
+ Commission’s generous compromise should stand
Dear Editor:
Editor’s note: This letter was originally sent to the Longboat Key Town Commission and The Longboat Observer.
It is we the people who make up this “paradise” known as Longboat Key. It is we the people who volunteer to run for public office and for positions on various boards and support the other worthwhile organizations. It is we the people who pay the majority of the taxes to maintain this beautiful Key, and it is we the people who bought into what the Longboat Key Club lead us to believe was a first-class operation with open recreational area, which was there when we joined. What you see is what you get! They took our money and promised us a well-run operation. Now to take away the open area, for their financial gain, is wrong on their part. To condone that would be wrong on our part.
A generous compromise was given to them by our commissioners and that should stand. I listened to some commissioners state that they represent the people on Longboat Key. It is now time for that to become the reality. The club will survive (with) plan B, plan C or whatever is allowed them. They will not leave this goldmine. Treat them fair but be firm to protect we the people, who will keep Longboat Key going, long after the Longboat Key Club is gone.
Bob Blumberg
Longboat Key
+ We hope the compromise will be accepted by all
Dear Editor:
Editor’s note: This letter was originally sent to the Longboat Key Town Commission and The Longboat Observer.
My wife and I purchased our home at the Players Club in 1983. Since that time, we have fallen in love with Longboat Key. The ambience, skyline and beauty of the Key are, in our opinion, unique. As members of the Key Club, we realize the shortcomings of the golf course and were excited about improvements suggested by the club owners, but not at the expense of the uniqueness of Longboat Key. We believe the compromise proposal, the development ordinance, put together by the Planning and Zoning staff and the commission, and accepted by IPOC, should be acceptable to the club, as well. We hope that it will be.
We commend the commission and P&Z staff for their work on this and hope for passage and acceptance of the compromise plan by all involved.
Dr. and Mrs. Burton Silbert
Longboat Key
+ Continue to protect Key against overdevelopment
Dear Editor:
Editor’s note: This letter was originally sent to the Longboat Key Town Commission and The Longboat Observer.
Thank you for your efforts, dedication and leadership that was demonstrated when you passed the compromise ordinance for the Longboat Key Club plan.
Although we are still disappointed in the massive scale of the development, we recognize the need for a compromise.
We purchased our home on Longboat Key because we were entranced by the beauty of this island paradise. We do not want to see our island become a developer’s windfall, as they seek to change Longboat into another Boca or Fort Lauderdale. Please continue to protect Longboat Key against overdevelopment.
Judy and Arthur Coren
Longboat Key