- January 2, 2025
My View
+ Why I am Campaigning
I am willing to campaign and participate in debates and forums because a candidate not willing to do so is denying voters to be fully informed.
It is a responsibility I have and will fulfill to our Longboat Key voters, so they may be as informed as possible about me and where I stand when they exercise the American right to vote on March 16.
Phill Younger is running for the at-large seat on the Longboat Key Town Commission.
+ Business investors are watching the town’s actions
Dear Editor:
At a recent campaign appearance, Mayor Lee Rothenberg said, in essence, he doesn’t understand why everyone is so worried about the economic condition of our island. He said the economy will come back; the Colony will find a buyer; Publix will expand Avenue of the Flowers; Whitney Beach Plaza will be rejuvenated; and the Hilton will build 250 more rooms (that’s not correct, it plans to build 85 rooms).
In essence, he said, “Don’t worry, be happy.”
It is naive and an irresponsible position for a town leader to state that, just because the economy comes back, it automatically means that these projects and other businesses WILL come back.
Don’t think for a minute that the way the Longboat Key Club proposed investment in our town has been handled by our town staff and commission isn’t being watched closely by other potential business investors.
If this crown jewel improvement project doesn’t proceed, guess what other potential investors are going to think and do: Why bother?
This dynamic will also ripple into already depressed real-estate sales, and potential buyers will buy on competitive barrier islands. Here we will sit with diminished property values and further loss of support businesses.
Let’s get real and not only worry but do something about it! Please, Longboat voters, get involved now.
Bob Gault
Longboat Key