- January 2, 2025
+ Thank you for your support during this tough time
Dear Editor:
These have been extremely difficult times for myself, our staff at Tiny’s and everyone who knew or met Susan. Thank you.
In addition, I wish to thank everyone from my heart for their personal and monetary contributions. Susan was my wife, partner and soul mate. She was a human angel to everyone — and I mean everyone — Susan ever met. She always had a smile, positive attitude and left you feeling better about yourself. The outstanding support for me did not make things any easier, but the outpouring of support kept me on track and strong to achieve the daily tasks for the memory of my wife, Susan Vaught.
Capt. Dave Vaught
Longboat Key
+ Longboat Key has lost out on visitors’ money
Dear Editor:
I am writing you about a recent visit to Longboat Key. My family and I decided to take a drive last weekend and visit Longboat Key for the first time since moving to the area in June. We had heard so many wonderful things about the architecture, history and the town center activities but just hadn’t had the chance to visit and see for ourselves.
I must say that the town is just as beautiful as it was described; however, the people and shop employees/owners were far from wonderful or even remotely friendly. We visited approximately 25 shops in town, and out of the 25 I could tell you of only three were places we would ever return to should I feel the desire to visit Longboat Key ever again.
I don’t know how many other people have been treated the same way as I was, but I can tell you that we left the town feeling very unhappy and took our business to Venice where the people and shop owners were friendly and genuinely appreciated our business.
As far as we are concerned, Longboat Key lost out on a few thousand dollars of our business, not because it didn’t have anything to offer, but because it didn’t seem to want to earn it (I wonder how many other families have visited and taken their money elsewhere?).
David P. Gogal and family
North Port