The Lakewood Ranch High JROTC Color Guard assists Freedom Elementary students Richard Garst and Brantley Deines raise the American Flag.
Col. Larry Burnett reminded students not to take freedom for granted and that freedom is never free.
Braden River High school resource officer Damon Ackerman helps fifth-grader Lindsay Brumbaugh raise the first responders flag.
The Lakewood Ranch High JROTC Color Guard presented the colors at the beginning of the ceremony.
Seven-year-old Kaitlyn Delgadillo helped lead the students in singing "God Bless America."
Third-grader Charles Woodward enjoyed learning about the different military flags.
Fourth-grader Kiana Love discussed the Navy flag.
Students in Jane Greenamoyer's pre-kindergarten class enjoyed watching the students raise the flags.
Five-year-old Alexandra Martin knew all of the words to "Thank You Soldier."