Ken D'Agostino, Lee Goodman, Jeff Birnbach, Willa Saalwaechter and John Woelfel.
Jeff Birnbach, Sue Muir, Kay Goodman, Don Payzant and Willa Saalwaechter.
Sue Muir pins the Commodore stars on Carly Birnbach for safe keeping.
Jeff Birnbach with his wife, Laurie, and daughter, Carly.
Pete Kujawski, John Woelfel, Bobby Overall, Paul Oversmith and Phil Couture.
Tim and Susan Clarke with Bobby and Cindy Overall.
Sirlene Bonney and Diane Martin-Gaillet.
Carly Birnbach wears the commodore stars on her jacket.
Ernie and Marylou Schulz.