Braden River coach leads faith-focused fellowship

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  • | 4:00 a.m. April 6, 2011
Jason Golden wears many hats: ministry director, chaplain and coach.
Jason Golden wears many hats: ministry director, chaplain and coach.
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BRADEN RIVER — There’s not a day that goes by that River Club resident Jason Golden isn’t impacting young lives.

As the ministry director for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Gulf Coast Chapter, Golden has spent the past five years dedicating his time and energy to helping change the lives of area coaches and athletes.

“Anywhere there’s athletics — I cover it,” Golden said. “It’s not just schools. It’s athletics in general. I enjoy seeing coaches and kids’ lives changed.”

During a typical week, Golden will meet with dozens of coaches across Manatee, Sarasota and Charlotte counties, hoping to impact them and, in turn, their teams. However, for Golden, no two weeks are ever the same.

Golden meets with coaches at all hours of the day — whether they’re in season or not.

“Every morning, I’m gone early to meet with them,” Golden said. “It’s a lot of time spent away ministering. I go where God leads me to go and meet with who He needs me to meet with.”

In addition to mentoring coaches and players, Golden also leads coaches’ bible studies at nine different schools.

“They’re the leaders on campus,” Golden said. “If coaches invest in their (players’) lives, then the players will change. I like to see lives changed.

Golden also helps coaches take the values they’ve learned back to their teams in the form of team studies or huddles, which are in-school Bible studies run by students either before or after school or during lunch. It’s a time for athletes to come together for fellowship and devotion.

Changing Lives
Golden joined FCA in 2004 after his wife, Wendi, who grew up in FCA, introduced him to the organization. Shortly thereafter, Golden’s father-in-law, who was on the local board at the time, asked him if he would like to get involved.

“I’d never heard of FCA before, but I thought, ‘This sounds interesting,’” Golden said.

Golden spent one-and-one-half years serving on the local board before joining the FCA staff in Jan. 2006. Now five years later, Golden is still focused on teaching coaches and players the FCA’s four core values: serving, team, integrity and excellence.

“It’s about spending time with people, investing in their lives and just serving them,” Golden said.

In addition to working as the ministry director for the FCA, Golden also served as the chaplain for the Braden River High football last fall — a service he plans to do again next year.

“I felt like God wanted me to do this with (coach Don Purvis’) team,” Golden said. “It’s been a great opportunity.”

And as if that wasn’t enough to keep him busy, Golden also serves as the Braden River girls tennis coach.

After spending six years coaching the Lakewood Ranch girls tennis team, Golden decided it was time for a change after Katherine Pyne and Alyssa Corcoran graduated last year.

“It was tough when they graduated,” Golden said. “Sometimes, it’s not about who is there, but who is not there. I trusted that they would always do what was best for the team, and it really took a toll on me when those two graduated.”

Golden previously had entertained the idea of moving on, but he made a promise to Pyne and Corcoran — who were the heart and soul of the Lady Mustangs tennis team — that he would continue to coach them until they graduated.

Golden decided it was time to step down last October.

“I just felt that after six years, it was time for a change,” he said.

After coming over to Braden River to serve as chaplain for the football team, Golden also decided to coach the girls tennis team.

“It just worked out,” Golden said. “I love coaching.

“Coaches wear many hats,” he said. “But it’s when guys and gals teach life lessons to kids that makes it worth it. Life is all about relationships.”

Contact Jen Blanco at [email protected].


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