Mason Minor and Giana Talerico played Joseph and Mary during a Bible story.
Hannah Barker, 8, turns 9 on Aug. 13.
Giancarlo Cintron, 8, did a little dance as he scooted by untagged during a game.
Gabrielle Feneide, 6, targeted brown-haired children during a game of tag.
Victoria Kishoiyan, 6, was all smiles as she watched the drama.
Volunteers Amanda McLaughlin and Sarah Lewis, behind, had fun with Jacob Neisen and Jacob Branson as they worked on their daily craft.
Volunteer Sierra Mielke watched a drama with Madison DeSalvatore.
Jacob Neisen worked hard on his Christmas tree craft.
Ashlyn Smith, Victoria Santaello-Auilar and Megan Timney enjoyed all the activities.
Bella Talerico, 4, made sure to get a hug from volunteer Kandi Ross.
Drew Witte, 4, worked intently on his Christmas tree craft.