The Incredible Reindeer, played by William Terrell, Cameron Boyer, John Smith and Connor Shilling, helped save Christmas.
Mighty Moose, played by William Terrell, was one of the Incredible Reindeer who came to the rescue.
First-grader Cameron Boyer played the role of Robo Guy.
Seven-year-old Grace Lumsden played the role of Rudolph and six-year-old Ava Barak played the role of Mrs. Claus in this year’s musical.
Six-year-old Maddylin Dodson played the role of Starbright, who was one of the astronomer elves.
Avery Powell knew the words to all of the songs.
Santa Claus, played by Aidan Hebert, reacts to the news that an asteroid is headed for the North Pole.
First-graders at Gene Witt Elementary School performed The Incredible Reindeer Dec. 15-16.
Stormy elf, Savannah Else, tells how foggy weather could prohibit Santa Claus from flying.
Windy elf, Victoria Kelley, left, and sunny elf, Iris Taverney, enjoyed performing in this year’s Christmas musical.
Evelyn Meraz couldn’t wait to take the stage.