Co-Chairwoman Kitty Cranor, special guest Cherie Blair and Co-Chairwoman Kathleen Weiner
John Cranor with Sylvia and George Zimmerman
B.J. Creighton and Mary Lou Thomas
Karen Dobbs and Caleb Grimes
Gina and Rick Gregoria
Susan and Ken Heitel
Melva Herrin, Marlene Isaacs and Jeanne Winston
Marlene Isaacs, Mary Lou Winnick and Barbara Brizdle
Gail and Keith Johnson and Stacey Corley
Harry and Victoria Leopold
India and Bruce Lesser with Margaret and Matt Callihan
Grace Riker and Barbara Campo
Mike Schroeder, Rick Stern, Lisa Keverian-Press and Jay Logan
Drs. Hardy and Allison Silver Schwartz
Chairwomen Kathleen Weiner and Kitty Cranor
Rodney and Debbie Woods with Alison and Brian Weiner