Letters to the editor

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  • | 5:00 a.m. February 23, 2011
  • Longboat Key
  • Opinion
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+ I notice tranquil setting not excess signage
Dear Editor:
I have worked on Longboat Key since 1996. In all that time, I have never noticed excess signage and clearly never remember noticing signage centered around this bicyclist issue. Even now with the issue making front-page headlines, I cannot notice excess signage when driving to and from work. What surrounds my drive is the beauty and peacefulness, the tranquil Gulf or bay surrounding my drive every day. (I) clearly notice all the bikers enjoying the same peaceful surroundings and loving nature and choosing this beautiful Key for a better lifestyle and healthier life.

This is why we call this “paradise”! Why many visitors find this to be a permanent home.

As well, I do believe our visitors find the same beauty in the surroundings, easily avoiding bikers, and they are not counting the signage on the Key when they arrive.

The traffic flows, and the signage is not counted when you can look beyond at all that Longboat Key has to offer.

In driving home this past week, I still could not count the signage, for I am more focused on all the people enjoying nature, enjoying a more relaxing peace of mind and the many bikers I can move around in my drive to and from work.  
Linda Cullen

+ Officer Thomas went above and beyond call of duty
Dear Editor:
I would like to make a public commendation to Longboat Key Police Officer John Thomas.

When my daughter and I were faced with a traumatic dilemma of a lost wallet and no photo ID to make our return trip to Cincinnati, Officer Thomas went above and beyond the call of duty to help us with our problem. He was so polite, concerned and compassionate. We were indeed impressed with his professionalism and owe him a debt of gratitude.

Thank you so much, Officer Thomas.
Ann Thompson and Donna Percy

+ Gov. Scott should seek advice from failed businesses
Dear Editor:
What a novel idea that the state of Florida should be run “like a business.” Gov. Scott should seek advice from former management at Ford, GM, Chrysler and Enron, among others. He should also consult members of the Bush administration under whose watch these failures germinated and proliferated. The citizens of Florida could then be laughing all the way to bank(ruptcy).

Gov. Scott and your editorialist team would do well to read the novel “1984” by George Orwell.
Dennis Murphy

To send in your letters: Please e-mail them to [email protected], or mail them to the
Longboat Observer, 5570 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key, 34228. the Longboat Observer gives priority to letters of local interest and about local issues. The Observer will print all letters to the editor if it feels they are of general interest, but only if the letter is signed and the author’s street address and phone number are given.



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