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  • | 5:00 a.m. January 12, 2011
Taylor Nardone also is a member of the varsity cheerleading squad.
Taylor Nardone also is a member of the varsity cheerleading squad.
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Braden River senior Taylor Nardone set a personal best this season with a 120-pound bench press and a 140-pound clean and jerk at the girls weightlifting meet versus Lakewood Ranch Jan. 10. Nardone won the 139-pound weight class for the fourth consecutive time. Here is an inside look at this week’s Athlete of the Week.

What was your reaction when you got your best lifts this season?
I was mostly focusing on my clean and jerk because I needed to bump that up to get to states. I expected my coach to congratulate me because I was really happy, but he just said, ‘145 (pounds) next week.’ It makes me want to work hard because I have the potential to go to states this year.

How did you get into weightlifting?
I started three years ago because my best friend, Ashley, who graduated two years ago did it. I did other sports, and I’m naturally strong because I’ve been athletic my whole life.

Do you play any other sports?
I’m on the varsity cheerleading team here at Braden River.

What are your plans for next year?
I got accepted into Florida Gulf Coast University; and I’m going to major in health sciences.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
I’m usually working at Sports Authority, hanging out with my friends or sleeping.

Who is your biggest role model?
For weightlifting, it’s coach (Doug) Garrity. That was my first year in weightlifting, and he taught me everything I know. Now I lift for him. I want to make him proud.

If you could anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
Italy. That’s my heritage, and I want to see where my grandparents were born. I think that would be cool.

Do you have any siblings?
I have an older brother, Zachary, who is 21.

Do you have a favorite subject?
The sciences are normally my favorite, but this year, forensics is my favorite.


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