Get your cameras ready!

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  • | 4:00 a.m. May 11, 2011
  • East County
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+ Get your cameras ready!
Lakewood Ranch-based Sanborn Studios has joined forces with the Guerilla Film Competition to find the “best of the best” of YouTube video stars.

The 48-hour Guerrilla Film Competition challenges on-line amateurs to write, shoot and edit a short film in just two days, this year beginning on May 13.

Each film will promote a sponsor, product, message or cause and be judged by industry experts. Winning films move on to collect prizes, with top honors earning $5,000.

Sanborn will be flying in a representative from the winning team for a getaway weekend in Sarasota and a pitch meeting with studio executives. The team’s film also will be screened during Sanborn’s Movieville International Film Festival in mid-June.


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