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Gregg Anderson, local business man
Gregg Anderson, local business man
  • East County
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1. FAVORITE FOOD. “Since I enjoy cooking, a steak dinner with asparagus and a glass of cabernet is tough to beat, topped of by a slice of Florida’s best key lime pie.”

2. OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES. In his spare time, Anderson enjoys tennis, golf and downhill skiing. “They all provide an escape for the 24-7-365 pressures of an entrepreneur and small-business ownership,” he says.

3. PERFECT HOME. Because Anderson has traveled extensively over the years, he says his life in Florida is the perfect retreat. “After entering the American Airlines million mile club, a Florida stay-cation sun, golf, tennis, beaches, festivals and fine restaurants means we can live our vacation every day,” he says.

4. SUPERPOWER. If Anderson could have a superpower, he says he’d want to have the ability to look into the future and the wisdom to make decisions that can provide a positive impact on future events.

5. MUSICAL PREFERENCE. Anderson says he enjoys all music, although he has a few favorites. “I lean toward listening to the Rolling Stones “40 Licks,” Dave Matthews Band or occasionally Tim McGraw,” he says.

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