Many people sat around and underneath the pavilion out at Turtle Beach in order to enjoy the musicians that played during Benny Kimsey's Bluegrass Picnic on Saturday afternoon.
Prudie Varro, John Keegan and Maryellen Hayes
Beverly Arias, organizer for Red Cross' Club Red, speaks to the crowd about donating to the Red Cross.
Birdie Lee Smith and Flo Harms enjoy the music in their comfy chairs.
Piper, 4, Madeline, 7, and Ryan Carson
Benny Kimsey estimated that somewhere between 300 and 400 people would attend the Bluegrass Picnic throughout the day.
Cowboy Bill Ferguson plays his necklace harmonica.
Dan Gallagher and Gerry Bain
Renne, Derek, 5, and Ed McDermitt
Beverly Arias, Benny Kimsey and Kimberley Reibel pose together by the Red Cross table.
The Skeeterland Band was one of three bans that played at Benny Kimsey's Bluegrass Picnic.
Cowboy Bill Ferguson and Geni Sue Ferguson
Eugene and Grace Jackson enjoy their picnic lunch while listening to one of the bands play inside the Turtle Beach pavilion.