- March 6, 2025
Nov. 10
Tandem theft
10:20 a.m. — 2100 block of GMD. Larceny from Residence. A woman reported that two bicycles, which were chained together to a bike rack, were missing.
Trimming tiff
3:23 p.m. — 5800 block of GMD. Civil Disturbance. A property manager told police that landscape workers entered the property he oversees and cleared vegetation without permission. The manager believed they were directed by a neighboring landowner who wanted to enhance his lot’s view of the Gulf. The manager requested a report to document the ongoing problem.
Nov. 11
Missing purse
10:34 a.m. — 5200 block of GMD. Lost/Missing Property. A woman told police that she was putting groceries into her car and accidentally left her purse in the cart. She returned to the store and was unable to find it. The woman reported the purse missing to the store’s customer-service department and agreed to notify her credit-card companies.
Meat your match
4 p.m. — 3800 block of GMD. Soliciting. A man and woman told police that they were following up with a previous customer, who had ordered meat from their employer, to see if another order was needed. Police issued them a written warning about the town’s solicitation ordinance.
Runner requirements
9:29 a.m. — 3200 block of Bayou Sound. Disturbance. A woman told police that a man has been yelling to her that she should “run on the sidewalk like a normal person instead of the middle of the road.” The man accused the woman of being responsible for the injuries of his wife, who was riding her bike four weeks earlier and collided with the jogger, causing her to fall. The jogger said that the cyclist refused offers of help. Police told the woman that state statutes require pedestrians to use sidewalks when provided. The man agreed to avoid contact with the jogger.
Nov. 12
Bicycle bandit?
3:50 p.m. — 4300 block of Exeter Drive. Larceny from Private Property. A man returned from his summer residence to find two bicycles, which he left secured together with a cable in April underneath his condominium stairwell, were missing.
Does the shoe fit?
4:18 p.m. — 100 block of GMD. Suspicious Circumstance. A woman reported that an older white man wearing dark sunglasses and dark shorts was filming a young female, who appeared to be between the ages of 10 and 12. The woman said that the girl was wearing a bikini, makeup and high heals and was bending over while the man took pictures. Police were unable to find the couple but found a heel and shoe prints on the sand that were possibly big enough to fit an adult female.
Nov. 13
The naked truth
10:09 a.m. — 3800 block of GMD. Indecent Exposure. Police responded to a report of a naked man in front of a beach club and found a man sitting in a beach chair with his cargo pants unzipped. The man admitted to sunbathing in the nude and agreed to leave the area. He also agreed that he would not sunbathe nude again.
Nov. 14
Undercover operation
2:39 p.m. — 700 block of Marbury Lane. Public Service. A woman reported that someone might have removed her boat dock davit geardrive cover. Police found evidence that the cover was likely blown off by recent high winds.
Digging danger
2:48 p.m. — 500 block of Spinnaker Lane. Gas Leak. A man accidentally cut a gas line while digging up a palm tree. Firefighters responded and capped the line.
Nov. 15
Bicycle rules
10:43 a.m. — Intersection of GMD and Bay Isles Road. Bicycle/Miscellaneous. An anonymous caller said that two men were riding their bicycles side-by-side. Police found the riders, who agreed to ride in a single file.
Canine charge
11:56 a.m. — 800 block of Longboat Club Road. Public Service. An English bulldog ran into the leg of a jogger’s left leg, causing the jogger to fall and injure his right leg and arm. A man apologized for the incident and later told police that he was at his stepfather’s home when the dog suddenly ran out of the house. The jogger did not want charges to be filed but went to a hospital for treatment.
Nov. 16
Vehicle damage
8:30 a.m. — 5100 block of GMD. Property Damage. A guest parked his car at a resort and later found the driver’s-side window shattered. Police found a small dent and scratches that appeared to be a pry mark, however, the mark was inconsistent with where the glass broke. Police found no evidence that someone tried to enter the vehicle because the door was still locked.
Fraud alert
3:47 p.m. — 3300 block of Sabal Cove Place. Fraud. A man received a voicemail claiming that he had written a fraudulent check to “Fingerhut” for approximately $1,000. The man had been receiving calls from collection agencies and found that an unauthorized account had been opened in his name. The man placed alerts on his accounts and credit reports.
Noisy neighbor
4:19 p.m. — 1900 block of Harbourside Drive. Dog Nuisance. A woman reported a barking dog at a nearby condominium unit. A neighbor said that for the past two weeks, the animal’s owners have been placing it on the porch during the day, where it barks off and on. Police attempted to find the dog’s owners, who were not home.
Taken for a ride?
10:44 p.m. — 200 block of Sands Point Road. Civil Disturbance. A cab driver said that he was paid only $10 by passengers who owed a fare of $16. The passengers said that the driver got lost and that they paid the driver what he was owed for the initial drive. The driver said he had stopped the meter and said that the passengers were “obnoxious” and didn’t know where they were going. Police told all parties that the dispute was a civil matter.