Renee Pitts, Nancy Harrison and Robin Storm put on quite a performance at the video game theater.
The Out-of-Door Academy’s director of annual giving Lauren Hersh spent the afternoon with her 2-year-old daughter Lillian.
Peter Geaglone and his 3-year-old son Michael thoroughly enjoyed the event.
Martina and Chris Timol brought their daughters Sabine, 8, and Simone, 12, to the festival.
Ten-year-old Taylor Radigan threw a 41 mph fastball.
Five-year-old Eva Dyer, pictured with her 11-month-old sister Ella, couldn’t wait to play all of the games.
Six-year-old Kendall Dooley was determined to successfully make her up the rock wall.
Eighth-graders Miller Condrack, Sydney Koffman and Giana Deramo had a blast hula hooping.
ODA Athletic Director Noel Beaulieu enjoyed spending time with his 13-year-old daughter Alexa and 11-year-old son Blake.
Ella Dyer, 11 months, had fun watching all of the people.