HIGHLIGHTS: Young songbirds, violinists rev up for 'Holiday Splendor'

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  • | 5:00 a.m. November 30, 2011
Hailey Manitz, Hannah Yates, Malcolm Moniz, Veronica Gill, Molly Walter and Wyatt Kaighin.
Hailey Manitz, Hannah Yates, Malcolm Moniz, Veronica Gill, Molly Walter and Wyatt Kaighin.
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Students at Phillippi Shores IB World School took a break from Peggy Conrad’s music class Monday to share what they’re up to — prepping for “Holiday Splendor,” which takes place Thursday, at the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art.

Hundreds of local school children will perform holiday classics in the decked-out museum courtyard and Bolger Campiello by the Cà d’Zan mansion.

The concert serves as a fundraising drive for the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots program of Manatee and Sarasota counties. Last year, the museum collected more than 1,500 toys that were donated to children in both counties.

Malcolm Moniz, 10
When did you know you were destined to play the violin?
“It all started from inside my dad’s car. He got a CD with classical music. I just listened to the beautiful music and asked, ‘What is it?’ He said it was the violin. My mom signed me up after I said I wanted to learn how to play, and now here I am.”

What would you do if you couldn’t play the violin?
“My Wednesday mornings wouldn’t be as heavy with stuff. I have karate three days a week, Lego Club and Boy Scouts on Mondays, and on Sundays I go to church with my dad.”

Do you have a favorite song from this program?
“We’re learning ‘Little Drummer Boy.’ If we don’t finish learning it, we still have ‘Jingle Bells’ and a Russian song.

Molly Walter, 9
When did you know you were destined to become a singer?
“When I started taking voice lessons. I like it and I enjoy doing it. I did a concert for the Girls Inc. Celebration Luncheon.”

What do you love most about performing?
“I like going on stage, and if people are smiling, they believe that I can do it.”

Do you have a favorite song from this program?
“‘Let it Snow.’ It’s a cheerful song.”

Who is your musical idol?
“Selena Gomez. She’s practiced and plays on tours.”

Veronica Gill, 9
Are you excited or nervous to perform the show?
“I’m so excited I’m almost going to blow up with happiness.”

What’s your favorite part about singing?
“Sometimes when I do concerts, there will be fundraisers for kids who aren’t very rich. It’s comforting to know that when I sing, I’m helping the less fortunate kids.”

What’s your favorite song?
“‘Mele Kalikimaka.’ We’re going to sing it at ‘Holiday Splendor.’”

Hailey Manitz, 9
Do you play an instrument or sing?
“I’ve played the violin for one year. I just wanted to learn how to play because it’s interesting to me.”

Are you nervous about performing on stage?
“I’m not nervous at all. It’s going to be fun. I want to still play when I grow up — maybe for an orchestra.”

Whom would you most like to hear play the violin?
“I would like to hear my brother, Kyle, play violin.”

Wyatt Kaighin, 9
What’s your favorite type of music?
“Beat songs. I sing along and dance around the room. Just listening to each song inspired me to sing. I’ve been singing two years.”

What’s your most favorite song?
“‘Mele Kalikimaka.’”

Do you like performing on stage?
“The stage gives me a chance to express myself, but I haven’t decided whether to sing when I grow up.”

Hannah Yates, 8
Why do you play the violin?
“It just sounds really pretty, and I just like playing it because it’s fun to play.”

Where do you most often play the violin?
“My favorite place is in my room, because sometimes I get a little nervous around my brother. In my room I feel safe.”

What songs are you looking forward to playing in the concert?
“‘Jingle Bells’ and the Russian sailboat song. They are mostly easy for me.”

What: “Holiday Splendor”
When: 5:30 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1, at the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, 5401 Bay Shore Road
Tickets: One unwrapped toy per guest or $10 for adults and $5 children ages 6 to 17
Information: Call 359-5700, Ext. 5705



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