- March 6, 2025
Jack Dowd talks to the 40 fourth graders about his sculptures Thursday, Oct. 13 at ODA.
Schaffer Clatt, 9, shows off the oil clay that he caught from Jack Dowd Thursday, Oct. 13 at ODA.
Jack Dowd points at one of the students to answer one of his questions.
Art teacher Linda Wallin takes a photo of her class as they interact with artist Jack Dowd Thursday, Oct. 13 at ODA.
Jack Dowd takes some questions from the students during his presentation Thursday, Oct. 13 at ODA.
Jack Dowd talks about his process of making sculptures.
Jack Dowd laughs during a question and answer session with the fourth grade art class Thursday, Oct. 13 at ODA.
Connor Keane, 9, holds the mold for one of Jack Dowd's sculptures.
Sydney Sforzo, 10, smiles at Jack Dowd while he talks about the life sized sculpture he made of her grandfather, Dick Vitale.
Jack Dowd's sculpture "Florida Wildlife" was one of the three maquette sculptures on display Thursday, Oct. 13 at ODA. Maquettes are smaller versions of life sized sculptures that Dowd usually creates.
Jack Dowd talks to Linda Wallin's fourth grade art class and asked them if they would one day like to be an artist. Many students raised their hands.
Jack Dowd holds out the rubbery mold of "Florida Wildlife" for the students to touch.
Jack Dowd's brought three maquette sculptures and a mold to show display Thursday, Oct. 13 at ODA. Maquettes are smaller versions of life sized sculptures that Dowd usually creates.
Elle LeClair, 9, raises her hand to answer a question asked by artist Jack Dowd Thursday, Oct. 13 at ODA.