John Mulane
Bene White was in the running for winning the most creative golf outfit.
Event Coordinator Lisa Berger and Bene White
Artie Blair, Mike Johnson, Mike Rhode and Chris Reynolds
Sponsors of the BMW prize at hole six and employees for BMW of Sarasota Brian Dounan, Ed Seymour, Charles Wilson and Carey Paige.
Teresa Esper and Bobby Mallow
One team decided to dress their feet up for the event.
Randy Freeman and David Neely
John Jochem, Caryl Sweeney, John Sweeney and Dick Terry
Cathy Kobren, Marian Wolfe, Jim Turner and Phyllis Turner
Laura Koppe, Brenda Koppe, Elaine Charney and Mary Hoffman
Bruce Monroe
David Patterson and Kate Sessions
Neal Porier
Chairman of the Tournament Charles Stephens and Ken Larrabee
Jim Stewart
Stella White, Marilyn Jones, Brenda Hadjian and Joyce Behrens
Board Member Joyce White, Board Member Cheryl Smith, Volunteer Phyllis Brown and Executive Director Fayanne Hayes.