Linda Harris shows off her ballerina princess skills for Claire Macaluso and Giovanna Hansen.
Giovanna Hansen asks Logan Lutz and Liam Lizotte what they would like to order for dinner.
Logan Lutz and Liam Lizotte fine dine on pretend Mac and Cheese.
Chloe Macaluso, Franki Magnotti and Makenna Geach
Fanki Magnotti, Liam Lizotte, Claire Macaluso, Giovanna Hansen, Chloe Macaluso and Makenna Geach.
Kat Wors, Linda Harris, Katya Sommer, Logan Lutz, Noah Taylor, Liam Lizotte, Franki Magnotti, Claire Macaluso, Chloe Macaluso, Makenna Geach and Giovanna Hansen.
Noah Taylor stands in the theatre he constructed for his Eagle Scout project.
The theatre Noah Taylor built for his Eagle Scout project.