Bradenton musician debuts harmony chorus

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  • | 4:00 a.m. September 7, 2011
Mark Rusch
Mark Rusch
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LAKEWOOD RANCH — Mark Rusch has spent a lifetime loving music.

A hobby musician and vocalist, Rusch has performed with many community band groups and barbershop-style choirs throughout most of his life.

Now, the Bradenton resident is lending his musical passions to the East County, where he is launching a new four-part harmony women’s chorus in the Lakewood Ranch area. Called New Chorus, the barbershop-style singing group will meet at 7:30 p.m., Mondays, at Living Lord Lutheran Church, 11107 Palmbrush Trail, Lakewood Ranch.

Rusch will hold the group’s first meeting at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 12.

“This is about bringing a bunch of people together and having a good time, no matter what their background,” said Rusch, who will act as the group’s director and adviser. “It’s for fun, recreation, performance. Once we’ve got a couple of meetings under our belt, we’ll discuss (renaming the group).”

Participants of New Chorus will sing unaccompanied four-part arrangements of popular songs, including ballads and up-tunes, as well as patriotic songs, spirituals and other songs audiences would enjoy, Rusch said.

Rusch said he is focusing on the Lakewood Ranch area because there are no community singing or orchestra groups there currently.

“Right now, there is nothing — not a band, not an orchestra, not a choral group — out here,” Rusch said. “There’s nothing (like this) for people to participate in.”

Rusch said many individuals who love to sing or to play instruments in high school and college simply stop after graduation because they no longer have an outlet for performing, not because they want to quit.

“The reason they don’t do it is because there’s no place to do it,” Rusch said. “This is providing an opportunity to continue doing something they’ve enjoyed.”

Rusch said he ultimately would like to see the chorus grow in size and for the group to compete in singing events and to offer performances to the public.

“We are in the entertainment business,” Rusch said.

Although many chorus members likely will have performed in choral groups before, Rusch said no prior singing experience is necessary. There are no auditions for the group, but prospective members will sing to Rusch so he can determine which part of the harmony best suits their vocal range.

“I don’t care how good you are or if you’ve never done it before,” Rusch said. “I’ve never known anybody who couldn’t sing. Come try it out.”

For information, call Rusch at 704-9481 or visit

Contact Pam Eubanks at [email protected].

New Chorus Informational Meeting
WHAT: Four-part ladies’ harmony chorus
WHEN: 7:30 p.m., Sept. 12
WHERE: Living Lord Lutheran Church, 11107 Palmbrush Trail, Lakewood Ranch


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