- January 9, 2025
We’ve read about her for two years now since she and the Sarasota High School Sailors went to the state championship in 2010. By her sophomore year, Jade Rhodes had racked up an incredible .363 batting average. Now a senior, Rhodes is balancing her social life and budding softball career. She is preparing college as well, after being offered a scholarship to Auburn University for softball.
How many home runs have you hit?
Nineteen. Eight this season, so on average about two a game. My batting average is now .435.
What’s it feel like hitting a home run?
At first it was like, “Wow!” Now, I’m more used to it.
Do you want to play softball when you grow up?
I’m going to play in college, but I want to be a veterinarian. If I have kids, I’ll probably play softball with them, but I’ll support them in whatever they want to do. My older brother is an actor in New York, and my little sister plays soccer and baseball, so it’s up to them.
What’s one of your favorite memories of playing softball?
My first home run. I was in sixth grade. … I didn’t even know it went over until after the game.
What is your favorite part of the game?
I’d saying fielding, because I know I have the support behind me with my team and everything. A lot of my friends say, “You cant hang out with us, because you’re playing softball,” but I go out on weekends, and plus, the girls on my team are like my family … they’re like my sisters.
What’s your perfect Friday night?
If practice was canceled — they play every day for two hours — I’d say going to the mall with my friends to go shopping and see a movie.
If you weren’t playing softball, what would you be doing?
That’s hard, because I’ve been playing for so long. I guess I’d say helping with animal shelters.
If you could change your name for a week, would you?
I don’t think so. My brother made up my first name, and my middle name, Ashlee, is after my dad’s name, Lee.
What advice would you give someone who is just starting to play?
Don’t be so hard on yourself, and work had every day.
Favorite fast-food joint?
I don’t eat much fast food. If I had to choose … Chick-fil-A, but I mainly eat salad, chicken and fish. No red meat. My mom is my personal trainer, and when I started playing basketball in eighth grade, she started cracking down on me. Instantly, we saw a big difference; it helped my endurance. Now, I go to the gym every day.
Any weird talents?
Yeah, I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue.