Earl Mehlenbacher presents the Queen of the Hop, Diane Hart, with her flowers.
Jack Braverman and Donna Levin
Betty and Don Cahall
Gail and Larry Coel dance the night away, Saturday, April 21, at Temple Sinai.
People have fun dancing to some of their favorite 50’s songs during Temple Sinai’s 50s Sock Hop fundraiser on Saturday.
Elise and Marv Diamond
Micki and Gene Evans smile away while out on the dance floor.
Morty and Ann Goldstein
The Queen of the Hop, Diane Hartm poses with Earl Mehlenbacher who picked her raffle ticket out of a basket thus making her the Queen of the Hop.
Rae and Bob Levene
Audre Marans had a Beanie Baby flamingo on her skirt instead of a poodle.
Nancy Miller and Ruth Kornman
Harriet and Marc Rosen with Sandy and Irwin Livon
Couples dance to a slow song, Saturday, April 21, at Temple Sinai’s 50s Sock Hop fundraiser.