Changes to Sarasota 'sound' one step closer

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  • | 4:21 p.m. December 7, 2012
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Since the last "Sound Regulations" public meeting many Sarasota residents have wondered if the city is going to act on the concerns and comments of the citizens who participated. Moderated by City Commissioner Paul Caragiulo, the meeting---held to address existing sound legislation problems---had an overwhelming response, uniting over 60 Sarasota city residents interested in change.

During the meeting many suggestions were made. These included:

1) Measuring the sound complaint at the source of the complaint rather than the source of the sound.

2) Raising the decibel level limit.

3) Creating downtown "entertainment zones," where exceptions could be made to the present regulations.

4)   Allowing a two-hour extension to present regulations on weekends.Since the meeting, Caragiulo has worked behind-the-scenes with the Downtown Sarasota Alliance (DSA) and the Downtown Sarasota Condo Association (DSCA) to devise a comprehensive plan with changes regarding "sound" that will appeal to everyone.

Caragiulo says the key to the plan will be "governing the characteristics of the sound" along with the levels. There are also proposals in the plan to create downtown entertainment zones with increased decibel levels and extended hours, allowing amplified music. Caragiulo states the issue remains regarding "how to measure, how to enforce, and how to appeal" noise concerns. Caragiulo would also like to see the city do away with anonymous sound complaints.

Caragiulo plans to moderate another City Hall meeting to discuss the components of the DSA/DSCA-approved modifications. Sarasota citizens are welcome to attend in order to have personal input.Caragiulo hopes that by the end of the meeting he will have a solid plan to take to the commission for a vote. All that is needed is YOU. Numbers are important. Without support for change, the discussion will come to an end. If you plan to attend please maintain a positive, calm demeanor and respect the opinions of Sarasota residents that may differ from your own. This is not an "us vs. them" issue. There are many downtown Sarasota condo residents who support the initiative to allow more room for live entertainment within the city limits.

Please join the City Hall discussion. This is the change many have been seeking. Be a part of Sarasota history.

"We will be the change when your open your eyes" – MeteorEYES

Sound Regulations Meeting

December 19, 2012

6:00 p.m.

City Hall - 1565 First St.

Sarasota, FL 34234


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