Kirin Singer snuggles up for story time at Out-of-Door Academy Jan. 27. ODA teachers led interactive songs and skits to promote the importance of reading.
Lennon Isaac and Christy Wyatt jumped, while Alexis Hudson and Mary Ashley Fulton turned the rope on Feb. 10 during Out-of-Doors Academy 24th annual Jump Rope for Heart.
Sixth – grader Drew Bavaro shows his grandparents, Vito and Dora Bavaro, how to work an iPad2 on Feb. 10 at Out-of-Door Academy for "Grandfriends Day."
Jennifer LePatourel and Sam Armington of the Sarasota Youth Multihull team, part of the Sarasota Youth Sailing Squadron, won the Youth Multihull Championship during the Tradewinds Regatta Jan. 15.
Robert Shuey and Joe Shaw, employees of Tierra Inc., check on the depth of the water table Jan. 31 in one section of the Siesta Public Beach Park for park improvements.