- March 6, 2025
1. Janice Howle’s favorite children’s books are the Dr. Seuss books. “I especially like the Grinch,” she says.
2. Her favorite children’s movie is “The Snowman.”
3. In her experience, a child’s favorite snack time includes chips and apple juice.
4. Howle says her children loved the outdoors. “They liked the swings I had and they liked the toys and had an old-fashioned tractor and bikes that they loved to ride.”
5. Howle has hundred of memories of her children, but one stands out among her favorites. “We used palm frond as a broom during playtime one day, and a few days later, one little boy pointed at a truck full of palm fronds and said, ‘Miss Janice! That truck has a whole lot of brooms in it!’”