Four-year-old Zac Rubal chased down a ground ball in his very first T-ball game.
Five-year-old Gage Cameron couldn’t wait to start playing baseball.
Six-year-old Matthew Lieberher’s favorite part of baseball is hitting the ball.
Six-year-old Salvador Tarantino is playing machine pitch this spring.
Five-year-old Grady Murphy couldn’t wait to take the field.
Brett Thoma, 10, and Tucker Smith, 10, are excited to be a part of this year’s Observer team.
Four-year-old Jacob Wengler made sure to keep his eye on the ball.
Four-year-old Troy Ingemi races down the first base line.
Braden River Elementary School second-grader Dylan Parks enjoyed playing all of the games.
Four-year-old Henry Urban receives some batting advice from his coach.
Three-year-old Carter Okuhara got a hit in his trip to the plate.
Eight-year-old Dylan Bowles is playing baseball for the first time this spring.