Enthusiastic reader takes Observer on tour of Europe

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  • | 5:00 a.m. January 11, 2012
"Damn the torpedoes — I’m reading The Observer," says Barb Smith.
"Damn the torpedoes — I’m reading The Observer," says Barb Smith.
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Ordinarily, we are thrilled whenever we receive an It’s Read Everywhere submission from one of our readers. We’re always amazed where you take our little paper — and your creativity in composing the photograph.

And, every once in a while, a reader goes even further. Such was the case when 2nd Ann Rose owner Barb Smith embarked on an 18-day European tour recently.

Smith visited Windsor, London, Portsmouth, Paris, Normandy and two spots in Spain. And instead of just choosing one location for an It’s Read Everywhere photo, she chose six!

We were so tickled that we had to share them all with you. We hope you enjoy!

Submit your own It’s Read Everywhere entries to the East County Observer, c/o Michael Eng, 1970 Main St., Sarasota, FL 34236. You may also e-mail them to [email protected]. Be sure to include your names and when and where the photo was taken.

King Henry VIII listens intently as Barb Smith reads him the latest from The Observer.

This ghostly collection of the former kings of England in the Tower of London tried to get a peek at The Observer. 

Barb Smith sees how the ‘stocks’ are doing, reading the East County Observer.


It seems the East County Observer was much more riveting than the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

195 Beefeaters at the Tower of London took a keen interest in the latest in The Observer.


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