- January 15, 2025
Jan. 6
Watch where you’re going
2:33 p.m. — 2000 block of GMD. Disturbance. A lawn-service employee said that he was leaving a condominium in his work truck when a woman walked into his vehicle. She yelled at him and said that she was going to call his boss. The man said that the woman was not hurt and left. He wanted the incident documented in case the woman reported the incident.
Joy ride
9:45 p.m. — 5600 block of GMD. Suspicious Circumstance. A man was walking his dogs and noticed two men in a golf cart driving around a business parking lot. The golf cart was gone by the time police arrived.
Jan. 7
Suspended license
4:42 p.m. — New Pass Bridge. Traffic Violation. Police checked the license tag of a vehicle and found that the owner’s license was suspended. The driver said that he had paid a traffic citation and did not know his license was suspended. Police released the vehicle to the man’s wife, who was a passenger, and issued him a citation.
Jan. 8
Nap time
4:43 p.m. — Intersection of Gulf of Mexico Drive and Bay Isles Parkway. Suspicious Person. A woman who was sleeping in the grass alongside a grocery store parking lot told police that she was tired and needed a nap. The woman left the area on her own.
Car caper
10:57 p.m. — 4400 block of GMD. Suspicious Vehicle. Police noticed a vehicle backed into a condominium parking space near the office and pool with two lounge chairs strapped to its roof and a third sticking out from the trunk. Police confirmed that the chairs were not the same type of chairs as the ones that belong to the condominium and logged the vehicle into dispatch because they couldn’t explain why it was parked there.
Jan. 9
Recovered ring
2:44 p.m. — 4000 block of GMD. Property Found. A man turned in to police a woman’s wedding ring he found in a parking lot.
Disappearing car act
4:13 p.m. — 600 block of Bay Isles Parkway. Suspicious Vehicle. Police responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle but were unable to find any vehicle matching the caller’s description.
Jan. 10
Re-test time
7:49 a.m. — 2000 block of GMD. Traffic Violation. Police witnessed a 95-year-old driver pull his car in front of another vehicle, which caused the second driver to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting him. The man said that he didn’t see the other vehicle. Police completed a driver re-examination form and told the man the DMV would contact him about taking his driver’s test again.
Take your time
12:08 p.m. — 5000 block of GMD. Traffic. A man reported that a Lexus driving in front of him had drifted into the bicycle lane at least twice. Police pulled over the woman, who admitted that she may have been driving erratically but said she was not under the influence of alcohol or drugs and was in a hurry to get home. Police asked the woman to drive more carefully.
Jan. 11
What to do: Call police
9:04 a.m. — 4000 block of GMD. Property Damage. A woman witnessed a blue SUV make a sharp right turn into a parking lot and strike a mailbox, breaking its post. The driver exited his vehicle, examined the damage, then got back in his car and parked. A man admitted to police that he struck the mailbox. When police asked him why he didn’t report the accident, he said that he was visiting Longboat and didn’t know what to do.
Damage control
4:01 p.m. — 500 block of Bay Isles Parkway. Property Damage. A woman reported that she brushed against another car while pulling her vehicle into a parking space the day before. She didn’t notice any damage to the other vehicle but wanted to report the incident in case the owner found damages.