- March 6, 2025
Eric Delaney, 25, got into CrossFit two years ago when a friend told him about a new workout he was doing. Delaney, a diesel mechanic for a road construction company, now trains at CrossFit Sarasota. Delaney, who moved to Sarasota three months ago from Port Charlotte, will be competing at CrossFit Evolution for its Iron Curtain Competition in October.
What did you think about CrossFit at first?
It sounded really stupid at first but I grew tired of the same routine, so I gave CrossFit a try. Within 30 minutes I was lying on my back gasping for air and have been hooked ever since.
What do you enjoy about CrossFit?
I enjoy the fact that every day I’m pushing myself to my limits and everyday I see improvement. I like how everyone stays until the last person is finished to cheer them on, and every day is basically like a competition.
Is there a workout involved in CrossFit that you dislike?
Ugh … anything that involves running. But, I continue to work on it.
What is the craziest workout you have ever done?
There’s really too many to choose from, but one that sticks out the most would be from last year’s Iron Curtain Competition: 10 snatches, 20 front squats, 30 chest-to-bar pull-ups, 40 wall ball shots with a 20-pound ball, 50 push-ups, 60 sit-ups, 70 sumo deadlift high pulls with a 70-pound kettle-bell, 80 feet of lunges holding a 45-pound plate overhead and, last, a 900-meter run.
Are you training for anything right now?
I’m not really training for anything right now, I’m just trying to set personal records with the workouts my coach gives me.
What is the best advice you have been given when it comes to CrossFit?
The best advice I got was from my coach, Matt Wilmoth. Don’t rush through a workout. Keep a slow but steady pace and your times will be faster.
What do you think you have gained from CrossFit?
I’ve gained lots but to narrow it down: friendships, strength, mobility, knowledge of the right way to eat, whether I do it or not, and a supportive girlfriend, Nicole Onorato, who enjoys the sport of fitness as much as I do.
Is there an ultimate goal you have in mind when it comes to CrossFit?
An ultimate goal would of, course, be to compete in the CrossFit Games, the Super Bowl of CrossFit, but I still have a long way to go.