Let your creativity blossom at Victoria Blooms flower arranging classes

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  • | 8:43 a.m. June 29, 2012
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Tropical Storm Debby-Downer’s showers may be putting a damper on the sunny Sarasota lifestyle this week, but there is a silver lining: Debby brought the rain just in time to water fresh flowers for a month-long series of flower arranging classes starting Tuesday at the Victoria Blooms downtown flower shop.

After launching the popular series when the shop opened in January, floral arranger and shop owner Victoria Warren is offering a summer edition consisting of five classes that cover the ins-and-outs of the art of floral arrangement.

The classes, Warren said, will cater primarily to beginners.

“You’ll be able to develop an eye for what to buy when you go to the farmer’s market to get flowers for your own arrangements,” she explained.

However, if you already have some experience with flower arranging, Warren said that’s fine, too. After the initial class, teaching assistants will be available to break the class into groups based on skill and cater to different levels.


“I’m excited to see what kind of floral designers will come out of this class,” Warren said. “Teaching someone your trade doesn’t take away from it --- it does the opposite. You learn a lot from teaching. I know that’s a cliché phrase, but it’s true, and I’m looking forward to doing it.”

The first class will cover basic greening techniques and different floral arrangement shapes. Warren said that themes in classes to follow will be guided in part by participant feedback. Additional topics throughout the course of the series include wrapped bouquets, hand-tied bouquets, modern flower arrangements and tropical arrangements. The final class in the series will be a “You Pick” class, in which the group can choose what they’d like to learn.


“It’s fun to learn about all kinds of different flowers; to know what’s in season and how to utilize your knowledge of form and color to buy your own. It really brings out your creative side --- even if you think you don’t have one,” Warren said.

“My husband is the artist in the family," she added, "and I always thought, ‘Oh, he’s the artist, not me.’ When I started learning how to do flower arrangements I was like, ‘Woo, I can do this!’"

Warren said that in addition to exercising creativity and learning how to make your own attractive arrangements for your home or as gifts, the practice of flower arranging itself is a therapeutic one.

“When I’m arranging flowers, I go into my ‘Flower Zone,’” Warren said. “It can be frustrating at first if you don’t know what to do, but once you get the hang of it, it’s very calming and fulfilling. I think that it makes for really great stress relief.”


The five-class package costs $198, which includes all flowers and containers, as students will be able to bring their creations home to keep. Additionally, free coffee and refreshments will be available at each class. Attending an individual class costs $40, but due to limited space, it is recommended that interested participants reserve their spots ahead of time.

Although the class is geared primarily toward adults, Warren said that parents are welcome to bring their children, who can stay entertained in the playroom at the shop. She also noted that in addition to street side parking on Main Street, Victoria Blooms has an additional parking lot out back.

Classes will be held every Tuesday, starting with the first, which takes place from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on July 3. Warren said that feedback from the first class and on Facebook will determine whether subsequent classes will be held at the same time or in the evenings, so as to accommodate participants’ schedules.


“A few people have told me that they can’t come to the morning classes because they have to work, so we may decide to switch over to evening classes,” Warren explained.

Classes are filling up quickly! To reserve your spot, call 941-363-0900 or email Victoria Warren at [email protected].



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