Black Tie & Tales

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  • | 4:00 a.m. May 23, 2012
Jane Thompson and Pam Watts
Jane Thompson and Pam Watts
  • Arts + Culture
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+ Seeing double
It’s every high school girl’s worst prom nightmare. Jane Thompson had just returned from racing back to her office to grab her jewelry for Designing Daughters “A Fashionable Gala” at Sarasota Yacht Club. Looking smashing in a white-and-silver zigzag sequin dress from White House Black Market, she turned around and spotted Pam Watts, who just happened to be strutting her stuff in the exact same dress. After the initial “OMG” expression, both women rushed to congratulate one another on looking so fabulous. “She has great taste in dresses!” Jane said. “I loved it. So funny!”

+ Best friends forever
Renée Sheade epitomizes the old adage, “You have to be a good friend to have a good friend.” Many celebrated her 75th birthday last week at Michael’s Wine Cellar. Claire Love was the first person Renée met when she moved here 31 years ago. Joy Server was her next-door neighbor at Sands Point, where she then lived. Marjorie North was the first one to put Renée’s picture in the paper. Bea Friedman baked sugar-free goodies for her late husband, Dr. Marty Sheade. Renée and Margaret Wise met as docents for a Sarasota Orchestra Designer Showcase many, many years ago. Sherrie Vroom has styled Renée’s famously immobile hair for ages. The gang of almost 40 gave Renée a gorgeous, custom-made replica of a necklace and matching earrings worn by Queen Elizabeth “when she was having an affair with Sir Walter Raleigh,” according to Jeannette D’Angelo, who conceived and commissioned the gift and its presentation. Nancy Markle, who is “like a sister,” read a poem by Joan Mendell. Even the always exceptional food was better than ever because, according to Michael’s On East Captain Tracey McCammack, “I was very nice to the chef last night.” Tracey’s husband is Michael’s On East Executive Catering Chef, Sean Berryman. 

+ Field notes from the Ross-Taplinger wedding
How wonderful were the lavender gloves worn by guest Patricia Ziegler, who says she would like to start a movement to bring back hats and gloves? … Gia Ventola in Valentino is likely the best possible advertisement for her Pineapple Avenue boutique … did anybody besides BT observe that the color of Nikki Sedacca’s stunning gown was virtually identical to the color of the tablecloths, which were a gift from Mollie Nelson? … the bride’s young friends didn’t need it, but Mrs. Sedacca’s “girls” were no doubt appreciative of the flattering, rosy light in the Ritz-Carlton ballroom … hair stylist Salissa King traveled from Martha’s Vineyard and did 11 heads for the wedding. She made the same trip earlier this year for Montana Ross’ bridal shower … the bride’s stepdad, Jeff Sedacca, stepped up to do the Kiddush and Motze before dinner … the beautifully choreographed entrance of the bridal party will undoubtedly make it to YouTube sooner rather than later… this party was perfect in every detail right down to the pink pearl heart adorning the gift of a macaron at each place setting … the newlyweds had their first dance to a song performed by Brooke Helvie, a good friend and sorority sister of the bride from Nashville, Tenn.

+ Footnotes
The best proof that Sarasota is indeed getting younger has to be the towering personal pedestals that appear with increasing frequency around town. BT loves good shoes like these from the Ross-Taplinger wedding …

+ Farewell for the summer
I'd like to give a shout out to all of you who have welcomed me with open arms since I took over as Black Tie editor a few months ago. Minus getting called out on sporting the same gold sparkle heels twice in two weeks (whoops!), the transition has been successful and smooth! Even though the BT column will be on hiatus this summer, I’d like to invite you to keep me up-to-date on your summer occasions and excursions — don’t forget to email your photos!

BT is still collecting events for the 2012-2013 Black Tie social calendar, and if we don't know about it, we can't publish it! Email the following information to [email protected]: name of your event; group hosting; group benefiting; time, date and place; ticket price; chairperson; contact name, phone number and email; website and event description.


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