New species of dinosaur spotted

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  • | 4:00 a.m. May 24, 2012
Felicity Lui, 5, Giovanna Hansen, 5, Dante Hansen, 3, and Natasha Antoniuk, 4, pose with the rectangularsaurus.
Felicity Lui, 5, Giovanna Hansen, 5, Dante Hansen, 3, and Natasha Antoniuk, 4, pose with the rectangularsaurus.
  • Arts + Culture
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The 4- to 5-year-old class, also known as the Seahorses, at St. Boniface Preschool, created a “rectangularsaurus” as one of its class projects. Though the Seahorse class did most of the work, constructing and painting the dinosaur, they did include their younger classmates in the fun. According to preschool Director Dick Aubry, the rectangularsaurus has been seen at various locations on the school’s campus eating leaves, grass and M&Ms! Word has it that the dinosaur is destined to have a permanent home in a child’s garden.



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