Jennifer Sholi brought her baby Summer to enjoy the festivities.
Tanna Horner, Wendy Pearre and Vicki Hosmer created rock, paper, scissor costumes.
Chase Bannar wore a gorilla costume.
Elle LaClair dressed as the Cookie Monster and Angelina Spina came as a zebra.
Jenny, Mike and baby Araceli Wilkins came to pick up their kindergartener.
Fifth graders Olivia Knegl, Erin Luherson, Samantha Alves and Gillette Baner
Head of School David Mahler lead the Halloween costume parade with his wife Elizabeth.
Fourth grade teachers Emily Latta and Brittany Hiller made grape costumes out of blown up balloons.
Third graders Madeline Frazier, Marisa Govic and Austin Bonacuse joined in the parade.
Children paraded around the schools campus.
Lisa Pierce was the Queen of Hearts and her son 3rd grader Jack Warner dressed as the Mad Hatter.
Second grade teacher Sean McDonald was old farmer McDonald and the students wore animal masks.
Preschool teacher leads Tristan and Cadin Bosek in the parade.
Connor Krug dressed as Olympic Swimmer Michael Phelps, Hayden Bizick came as Men in Black and Tyler Beasley was the FBI.