- March 14, 2025
Riverview junior soccer player Katy Mixon has been playing soccer since the age of 4, after her friends and parents encouraged her to get involved. Mixon, who scored three goals in last week’s game against DeSoto, says she enjoys the camaraderie of the sport and hopes to continue to play in college.
What do you remember about your first high school game?
I remember trying to do my best and impress the coaches and the other players. I was really nervous. I never wanted to mess up, and I was afraid to shoot and miss.
What do you like most about soccer?
I like that you have to have so much skill. There are lots of factors. It’s not just ball control; there’s a lot of fitness and teamwork involved.
What is your strongest point as a player?
I have really good ball skill. I have a good touch.
Is that something that came naturally to you?
I think you almost have to be born with some of the skill involved in soccer. You can develop your skills to a certain point, but I think some of it just has to come naturally.
What do you think is your weakest point as a player?
Playing off the ball. When I don’t have the ball, I need to be trying to win the ball back or get open.
How do you work on that?
I just try to improve my fitness through running, and I try to be more aware of it.
What sets soccer apart from other sports?
You really have to rely on your team, and it requires a lot of skill. I’ve made a lot of friends through soccer.
How do you build that trust?
We do a lot of team-building exercises and go out together on the weekends.
Why do you think you played so well last week?
They were easier teams, and I think their skill level was below ours, but our team was playing well and playing good balls.
Who keeps you motivated?
My mom keeps pushing me. I also want to play in college, so it keeps me motivated to keep playing well right now. I’m going to try to do some tournaments with my team to get noticed by other coaches.
What goes through your head before a game?
I just focus on what I need to improve on and what I’m best at.