Krissy and Chuck Castellana with Krissy’s daughter, Cara Bodziak, 13
Megan Speed sold tickets for the chance to win $500. There were two chances for people who attended the Cure Cara event to win $500.
Amanda Sobojinski, Kelly Mortazavi and Keith Spelman from Tijuana Flats catered the Cure Cara fundraiser Thursday, Oct. 4.
Trent Schnathmann, Allison Schnathmann, Kayln Drumm, Cara Bodziak and Julianna Efthimiades
Krissy Castellana estimated that 150 to 200 would be attending the 6th annual Cure Cara event.
Gary Lazian, Rosemary Demarco and Julianna Efthimiades
Matt Gherhardt donated his time and talent to the Cure Cara fundraiser Thursday, Oct. 4 at Beach Club.
Kathy Fleeman and Courtney Perkins with their raffle tickets.
Amy and Shelby Daccursio
Josh Chupp and Haylyn Halbert
Bill Borgelt fills out his raffle tickets Thursday, Oct. 4 at Beach Club.
Scott Bodziak, Cara Bodziak and emcee Eddie Stoebe
There were a variety of baskets that were part of the auction.
Ellen Barry holds her daughter, Anna Cate, 2, as she watches her son, Michael, 4, put a ticket into one of the raffle containers.
Kim Vancauwenberghs and Joanne Bell