Celebrate Food Day with Slow Food of Greater Sarasota at King Family Farm

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  • | 3:50 p.m. October 16, 2012
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Sarah Felder is a vegan mom with a passion for fresh local food and healthy living. She shares beautiful, creative and kid-approved lunchbox ideas on her blog, Bentoriffic.




Slow Food of Greater Sarasota will host Food Day on Oct. 28 from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at King Family Farm (4630 60th St. E/Caruso Rd.) in Bradenton, Fla. This event is a great opportunity to bring the kids and grandparents for a day at the farm. There will be live music, gardening workshops, a farm tour, hayride, corn and flower harvesting and a number of vendors focused on sustainable living. Local farmers and food producers will be offering samples and selling their products. A $5 donation is welcome for the day’s activities. Proceeds will benefit Slow Food of Greater Sarasota and its Edible School Garden Fund. A Farm-to-Fork lunch of fresh local ingredients will be served at 1 p.m. The lunch is $15 in advance and $20 at the door, with are vegetarian and vegan food options available. Children under 10 are $10; kids under five are free. Click here to purchase advance tickets.

If you choose not to have the lunch, feel free to bring a blanket and chairs to relax and enjoy the farm atmosphere and meet new friends.  The farm has many sheep, cows and a burro. You and your loved ones are sure to enjoy the beautiful outdoor setting and learn something new about local farming and food.


The "Slow Food" movement started back in 1986 as a way to reintroduce more unprocessed, local food back into our lives. So many of us, at one time or another, have relied on fast food. When I first heard the name "Slow Food," it made me giggle to think of a cow wandering slowly around a field chewing cud. But in all seriousness, our health, the health of our children and the future of our country relies heavily on supporting sustainable local farmers, rather than the giant corporate entities that mass-produce a product and a label. It's even more important that we spend our hard-earned dollars supporting the restaurants, small grocers and other businesses that promote and sell fresh, local foods. 

Did you know that when you buy locally-grown foods, they're usually less expensive and they taste better? Locally-grown foods don't have to be picked early, prepped for transportation and shipped great distances to your neighborhood supermarket. Those savings go right back into your local community rather than to a corporation. Everyone wins!

As a mom of two preschool girls, I have shared my own struggles with getting my kids to eat their fruits and vegetables. The most profound experience that changed the way my children ate was their weekly visits to the farmer's market and the local farms. They began to choose what they wanted to eat. They understood the work that goes into growing that cauliflower or peach that they're eating.


If you've never paid a visit to the King Family Farm, this is a wonderful opportunity to visit. The farm holds 104 acres and a breath of fresh country air right in the middle of our suburban living. You get a sense right away that a lot of care goes into operating the farm, and when you meet Shelby and Ben King, you know why. They have a passion for growing fresh, sustainable food right here in your own backyard. They also realize the importance of educating their children and the local community on the importance of growing your own food, buying it close to home and making healthy eating choices. You can visit the sheep, cows and the burro who protects the animals from coyotes. There are zinnias and sunflowers in bloom, squash and peppers ripening on the vine and lots room to spread out and relax under the shady oak trees. You and yours are sure to enjoy the outdoors and learn more about local farming and food.



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