Rev. Fausto Stampiglia poses for a photo with Beth Cannata, Chair of the Hospitality Committee.
Paul and Marge Lortie
Eric Johnson, Jeri Johnson, Marcia Kral, Gene Kral
Brian and Sally Clark
Rev. Fausto Stampiglia thanks the hospitality committee for their hard work in organizing the event.
Parish members are served brats, sauerkraut, and potato salad for the Oktoberfest themed dinner.
Mary Barbetta and Beth Cannata
Jim Ross wears an Oktoberfest themed hat for the celebration.
Bill Konopaste and Joe Barbetta serve wine to parish members.
Mary Ann Turcotte serves brats during the celebration.
Ryan, Ellie and Rebecca Blitz
Parish members say a prayer before dinner.
Larraine DeCicco, Francesca Mendolia, Helga Schaller, Sharon Hurlds, Carol CoDella, Jane Carnevale
Bill swings his wife Jill Rex around the dance floor.
Louis and Deborah Zazarino dance to the Jimmy Jay band.
Michelle sits with her mother Norma Costanzi at the celebration.