Countdown to Election 2012

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  • | 5:00 p.m. October 29, 2012
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So right about now, you are probably feeling pretty fed up with the constant barrage of information about the election. Early voting is well underway, and soon we will know who the next president of the United States will be (provided we don't have a drawn-out recount). But if you are anything like me, you can't help but want to get underneath the issues and really understand what is happening in electoral politics.  

Have you been asking yourself, "Is this truly a historic presidential election, or do politicians and pundits say that to us every four years?" Have you thought about how women's rights will be affected by this year's election?  Or how the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, which became  a major gaffe in the second debate, will figure into electoral politics? Did you wonder why the ballot is so long and there are so many highly-involved amendments to vote on? Are you starting to wonder whether the Electoral College is an antiquated means of determining our president?  Every time I start to think about the issues, despite my head spinning from everything I need to know to fulfill my civic duty, I find myself wanting to learn more and more.

Even if you have already voted, chances are you are still thinking about the election.  And, if you haven't voted, you will want to familiarize yourself with all the issues to feel really confident when you go to the voting booth. This weekend, on Nov. 3 from 3 to 5 p.m., I will moderate a panel discussion called "Countdown to Election 2012" with the following experts:

Dr. Scott Perry, Associate Professor of History at University of South Florida Sarasota Manatee, who can be counted on to have a fascinating and unique perspective on the election.
Sonia Pressman Fuentes, well-known attorney and author, who helped found the National Organization for Women.
Dr. Frank Alcock, Associate Professor of Political Science at New College, who has been everywhere this election season to ensure that local voters are fully informed and engaged.  

This discussion will give you ample time to participate. The event is designed to give you the chance to have a meaningful dialogue about the election, and we really want to hear your voices and sort through the issues. It is sponsored by the Florida Campus Compact, which this year is focusing on "The Crucible Moment: College Learning and Democracy's Future." We were selected among a number of colleges and universities throughout the state to host the Campus Democracy Project for civic engagement.

This event is being held downtown at the Half Shell Oyster House at 1991 Main Street, and is free to attend. Parking will be validated in the Hollywood 20 parking lot, and there will be delicious light bites served. The entire community is invited to join us and students from local colleges and universities. We strongly encourage you to attend! - Click here to RSVP.


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