- March 6, 2025
Sept. 6
Joy ride
10:25 p.m. — 3800 block of GMD. Suspicious Circumstance. A woman said that her car was in perfect condition July 14 but had since been used without her knowledge. The car had sand throughout the passenger compartment and spilled liquid on the dashboard and throughout the rear seat and rear compartment area. The woman told police that the spare key she left in her condo was missing and that the only person with a spare key to her condo unit is the association president. Police told her to change the ignition lock and talk to her association about security.
Sept. 8
Fishing for something
12:59 a.m. — Longboat Pass Bridge. Suspicious Circumstance. A bridge tender called police about suspicious vehicles parked near his car on the north end of the bridge and said he was concerned about his car being damaged. While police spoke to the bridge tender, a man walked up and said he was looking under the bridge for fishing action and that he was the owner of the vehicle parked nearby.
Dent in the bank account
12:58 p.m. — 4600 block of GMD. Property Damage. A man reported that he left his Cadillac in a resort parking lot all weekend and discovered a large dent in the bumper. The man said that there was no damage to his vehicle or cars parked nearby an hour-and-a-half earlier, although there was a shopping cart nearby. He estimated that repairs would cost $1,000.
Sept. 9
That’s not convenient
6:50 p.m. — 4000 block of GMD. Public Service. Police noticed that the lights were off at a convenience store and the doors were locked. An employee told police that the store was closed for the remainder of the day because of a power outage.
Creepy caller
3:45 p.m. — 3000 block of GMD. Harassing Phone Call. A woman said that she has been receiving phone calls for the past few months from unknown numbers.
During the calls the caller tells her that he is a technician who needs to service her computer. The woman always tells him that he has the wrong number and hangs up.
Sept. 10
You’re fired
7:16 p.m. — 5400 block of GMD. Battery. A woman and the manager of the restaurant where she works reported that another employee who wants to date her took her cell phone and wouldn’t give it back. After she felt the phone in his back pocket, he tried to kiss her and grabbed her by the throat. She threw ice water on him, and he pushed her down and grabbed her arms. The woman got her cell phone back and didn’t want to press charges. The manager fired the suspect but reported that he returned later that night and cut one of the victim’s tires.
Sept. 12
Sleeping on the job
8:14 a.m. — Guard Shack, Harbourside Drive North. Warrants. A security guard reported that a man with long hair and a beard was sleeping under a tree. The man told police that he works for a construction company that is doing work on Longboat Key and that he takes the bus from Sarasota and then waits for his employer to pick him up. Police confirmed his story. They also confirmed that he had a warrant in Sarasota County and arrested him.