Chad Woodruff with Randolph Locke and George Brigido
Nancy and Bob Colby
Performer Stella Zambalis
Esther Halt, Nancy Kornberger and Donna Moretti
Donn Patchen with Gela and Dick Rozic
Brinton Smith with Mellonie Smicklas and Ken Slavin
Sal Garcia provided pre-opera entertainment.
Jim and Pat Lehmann with Daryl Bayer
Bob and Dawn Sutton
Jeff Donahue with Pandora Kiss
Rose Durham with John Masters
Corey Roscoe with Janice Sladzinski
Judy Hall
Mark Weibel and Patty Stehle
Marci Weibel with Kathleen Sullivan
Karen Sweeney, Carol Sparrow, Randolph Locke and Stella Zambalis
Palm-Aire resident Helen Martin with Mote Ranch resident Debbie Kimball
Cindy Roberts, Janet Potter, Laura Norwine and Anita Carter
Becky Romich, Marty Reber, Ruthie Bley and Verna Reber
Marci and Mark Wiebel