Nora and Matthew Supernaw relaxed in the shade.
Jaelyn Dismuke, 2, and Joanna Carrier played on the side.
Ben and Laura Schuyler
Carmen Lesser, 11, competed in the relay race.
Ashley DeJarmette, 6
Dylan Elder, 7, and Braden Sullivan, 7, cooled off in the pool.
Mayumi Krupa with her children, Emily and Riyuto.
Darrell and Shannon Hardee with their children, Kelton, 5, and Garrett, 8.
Nico Serrano, 7, sized up the wiffle ball.
Teddy Jordan prepared to be dunked.
Alexander Foley braced for landing.
Alexia Steele, 4, finished a slide.
Dan Kaplan with his son, Alex, 4.
Dustin, Dakota and Terri Warth spent the day together in the pool.